So far from looking at your gallery you're really good at copying references. That alone means you have lots of potential.
The fastest way to improve is to learn from others, trying to reinvent the wheel takes a lot longer, and you'll just learn the same thing as everyone learned in school anyway.
The best thing about the internet is that you can learn everything an art class can teach you, without paying years out of your pocket for tuition fees.
No lie I went to college and the professor told me to look up YouTube tutorials anyway.
So here are a few YouTube tutorials.
To draw anything and everything you have to break things down into simple shapes first.
Think of them like drawing's Lego bricks.
But if you really want to bring your drawings to life, learning how to draw 3d shapes is really important. Once you learn that you can use the 3d shapes as Lego bricks too!
Sure anyone can draw a cube right? Well the thing about 3d shapes is that they're different depending on what angle you look at them, there's this neat trick called point perspective that solves that problem.
It comes in many forms, one point, two point, three point and more.
The difference between one, two, and three is the angle you're looking at something in a 3d space.
One point perspective is looking at something head on.
Two point perspective is looking at something from a diagonal angle.
And three point perspective is looking at something from the top or bottom at an angle.
There's even more like four,five, and six.
I’m a jack of all trades.
I deleted everything on my account. But I know 3d art, pixel art, 2d art,2d animation, 3d animation, 3d modeling, the basics of writing, a bit of game development, character design, background design, a tiny bit of traditional music.
Feel free to pick my brain, ask as many questions as you like.
just 2d art for now. Like how to even get the ball rolling in a lot of cases